wouter's blog http://selfproject.eu/bg/blog/wouter bg Free and Open Source Software Society Malaysia http://selfproject.eu/bg/node/59 <p>Today (17th of August 2006) I have the honour to be invited to speak for the Malaysian Free Software community, As I commented in my last post about the <a href="/53">Malaysian Government preliminary decision to accept ODF</a> they are working on many good things. Check their website: <a href="http://foss.org.my/" target="_blank">http://foss.org.my/</a> <br /></p><p>See below my presentation about the SELF project at their monthly Meetup. It was received with many interested questions.</p><p>You know what they say about Free Software in Malaysia? &quot;Free as in Freedom, think free speech, not free Teh Tarik.&quot; (tea is more common in Malaysia than beer :-) ). </p> Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:29:14 +0200 wouter 59 at http://selfproject.eu Malaysian Government preliminary decision to accept ODF http://selfproject.eu/bg/node/53 <p>Malaysia&#39;s standards body SIRIM voted to propose ODF as a country standard, following the recognition in May by ISO of ODF as an international standard. After a public comment period that ends in October, Malaysia&#39;s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is expected to formally endorse ODF by year&#39;s end, recommending the format for use by the public sector.</p><p>Open Malaysia - <a href="http://www.openmalaysiablog.com/2006/07/odf_proposed_to.html" target="_blank">http://www.openmalaysiablog.com/2006/07/odf_proposed_to.html</a> <br /></p><p>I have the pleasure to be in Malaysia this month and have met the core people that are behind the Malaysian Government&#39;s move towards ODF acceptation. More news is soon to follow on this part.<br /> </p><p><a href="http://selfproject.eu/bg/node/53">прочетете повече</a></p> Mon, 14 Aug 2006 04:52:58 +0200 wouter 53 at http://selfproject.eu