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Legal Expert Group

The SELF Legal Policy outlines the definitions used in the SELF project as well as the policies for decisions regarding important legal matters, how to come to terms with potential contradictions and how to assure the legal maintainability of the project after the funding period from the European Commission.

The Legal Expert Group (LEG) proposes the legal policy of the SELF Platform. The group watches over the SELF Legal Policy and evaluate licenses that are acceptable to the SELF Platform. The Legal Expert Group also advises the SELF Board on any legal issue that could arise in relation to the platform.

The Legal Expert Grop is led by Georg Greve , Free Software Foundation Europe, and consists of:


Shane Coughlan

Shane CoughlanShane Martin Coughlan was born in Dublin City, Republic of Ireland and moved to England for higher education. He studied English, Politics, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Wolverhampton and he read for his MA at the University of Birmingham. Shane has given numerous talks on security and on Free Software issues throughout the UK and Ireland. He has been involved in open standard certification work as a consultant, and is currently involved in researching how human usability guidelines can be applied to security software. He began working full-time at Free Software Foundation Europe in October 2006, and currently acts as the coordinator of the Freedom Task Force (FTF), FSFE's legal hub.


Robin Gross

Robin GrossRobin D. Gross is founder and Executive Director of IP Justice, an international civil liberties organisation that promotes balanced intellectual property law and protects freedom of expression. An attorney, Ms. Gross advises policy makers throughout the world on the impact of intellectual property rules before national legislatures and in international treaties and trade agreements. Ms. Gross lectures at international seminars, law schools and universities on cyberspace legal issues including digital copyright, fair use, and Peer-2-Peer (P2P) file-sharing.

Ms. Gross also runs a boutique law practice Imagine Law that handles entertainment, intellectual property, and cyberspace legal matters of a transactional nature.

In May 2006 UN Secretary General appointed Ms. Gross as Member of his Advisory Group to the UN Internet Governance Forum. She represents the Non-Commercial Users (NCUC) Constituency on the GNSO Policy Council at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Union for the Public Domain, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. that is dedicated to protecting the public domain. Ms. Gross also serves as a member of the Advisory Board for Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - Peru, and for FreeMuse, an independent international organization based in Copenhagen that advocates freedom of expression for musicians and composers worldwide.


Lucie Guibault

Lucie GuibaultLucie Guibault is senior researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam. Born and raised in Canada, she studied law at the Université de Montréal and received her doctorate in 2002 from the University of Amsterdam, where she defended her thesis entitled Copyright Limitations and Contracts [Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2002], which addressed the question of the contractual overridability of limitations on copyright. Together with Ot van Daalen, she recently published a book entitled Unravelling the Myth around Open Source Licences - An Analysis from a Dutch and European Law Perspective [TMC Asser Press, The Hague, 2006]. She also co-edited with Prof. Bernt Hugenholtz a book entitled The Future of the Public Domain - Identifying the Commons in Information Law [Kluwer Law International, Alphen a/d Rijn, 2006]. She has written studies and articles on topics of international and comparative copyright, contract and intellectual property law.


Mathias Klang

Mathias Klang is lecturer and researcher in legal informatics at the School of Economics and Commercial Law at the University of Göteborg, Sweden.


Catharina Maracke

Catharina MarackeInternational Coordinator Creative Commons since Oct 2006. Catharina studied law in Germany and graduated from the University of Kiel and the Hamburg Court of Appeal with the first and second state examination. While studying she obtained a scholarship from the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law in Munich to write her PhD thesis on the History of the German Copyright Act of 1965. During the legal preparatory service she worked for several German Courts, the German Patent Office and the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Toronto. After finishing her legal education, Catharina worked for the law firm Shearman & Sterling LLP in their Munich office. Afterwards she spent three months at the Institute of Intellectual Property in Tokyo where she did research and taught design protection and copyright law.


Axel Metzger

Axel MetzgerAxel is Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. Axel graduated from the University of Hamburg and received the First and the Second State Examination at the Hamburg Court of Appeals. He holds a PhD from the Universities of Munich and Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) and an LL.M. from Harvard. He has published several books and law review articles on the legal aspects of free software and European copyright and contract law in general. He is a founding member of the German Institute for Legal Aspects of Free and Open Source Software.


Jonas Öberg

Jonas Öberg is Project Manager at the Göteborg University and Vice President of the FSFE.


Mary Wong

Mary Wong is Professor of Law at the Frankling Pierce Law Center.


Raquel Xalabarder  Raquel Xalabarder

  • Law Degree (J.D.), University of Barcelona, 1983-1988.
  • Master of Laws (LLM), Columbia University Law School, N.Y, 1992-1993.
  • Doctor in Law (J.S.D.) cum laude, "The international protection of audiovisual works. Questions related o authorship. Special reference to the legal systems of Spain and the United States of America", Law School, University of Barcelona, November 1997.
  • Visiting Scholar, Columbia University Law School, New York (June 2000- July 2001).
  • Professor of law at the UOC School of Law and Political Science since June 1997; Director of its Law Program (2002-2006).
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SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom