SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

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European Commision

European Commission

The European Commission supports the SELF project for the initial set up of the platform and the first educational and training materials. European research activities are structured around consecutive four-year programmes, or so-called Framework Programmes. The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) sets out the priorities - including the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority - for the period 2002-2006.

These priorities have been identified on the basis of a set of common criteria reflecting the major concerns of increasing industrial competitiveness and the quality of life for European citizens in a global information society.

Information Society Technologies

The objectives of IST in FP6 are [...] to ensure European leadership in generic and applied technologies at the heart of the knowledge economy. It aims to increase innovation and competitiveness in European businesses and industry and to contribute to greater benefits for all European citizens.

The focus of IST in FP6 is on the future generation of technologies in which computers and networks will be integrated into the everyday environment, rendering accessible a multitude of services and applications through easy-to-use human interfaces. This vision of 'ambient intelligence'2 places the user, the individual, at the centre of future developments for an inclusive knowledge-based society for all.

This research effort will therefore reinforce and complement the eEurope objectives and look beyond them to the 2010 goals of the Union (the i2010 initiative) of bringing IST applications and services to everyone, every home, every school and to all businesses.

For more detailed information about specific IST activities, visit the IST Activities page and the SELF Fact Sheet .
SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom