SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

Get Involved!

Contribute to the SELF project. See this list of examples of how you can get involved and/or subscribe to one of the mailing lists.

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Get involved!

So, you are interested in the SELF project? Perfect! And you would like to contribute in some way to SELF? Even better! Because in order to achieve its goals, it is important that as many organisations, companies and individuals as possible take part in the SELF Platform. We are looking forward to working with people with a whole host of skills such as training, developing, distribution and media. We are also keen to speak to Free Software-loving companies and organisations about sponsoring or partnering with the platform to achieve our wider ambitions.

Inhalt abgleichen SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom