SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

Get Involved!

Contribute to the SELF project. See this list of examples of how you can get involved and/or subscribe to one of the mailing lists.

Building a Community

SELF aims to be a community-driven platform for the production and distribution of educational materials. Its sustainability depends on the building of a strong community of users and participants of the platform.

Our first step on building a community is to set up different teams where people can get involved and contribute in different ways. So far, these teams are:

  • Material Creation : this team contributes by providing learning materials, checking existing ones and working to improve them. Members of Self Platform can also build learning trajectories with existing materials, providing new ones or sharing their own experience on using them in pedagogical activities with each other.

  • SELF Testers : Before the first version will be launched, we ask people from different communities and expertise groups to become a SELF Tester, share their experiences and test the Platform in order to provide the development team with enough time and space to readjust, refine and improve the Platform.
  • Localisation : SELF aims to be a global platform, useful in a wide range of places and cultures. That goal is only achievable if their users localise the available materials and adapt them to their own requirements. That is only possible with free materials such as the materials available through the SELF Platform. A strong localisation community will help us spread the benefits of the SELF Platform.

  • Translation : Web site, press releases, announces, and Learning Objects need to be available in different languages. The translations team works closely with the localisation team, which will help us provide materials in differente languages.

  • Platform Campaign : Help us spread the word about the SELF Platform.

  • Quality Assessment : the SELF Platform also provides a Quality Assessment system for Learning Materias. Several quality assessment mechanisms will provide the users with several quality indicators, such as the popularity of the material, review and quality feedback loops.

SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom