SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

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Article about SELF Platform in the Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems

The article SELF Platform: A Teacher - Centric Collaborative Authoring System written by Meena Kharatmal, Nagarjuna G. from the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, co-founders of the SELF Project, has been published in the Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems.

Abstract: SELF Platform is a collaborative authoring system for creating online courses. A free software to build courses on any subject. In this article, we present the rchitecture, features, and functionality of the Platform. The main components of the Platform re integrated as a collection manager, course manager, organizer, file manager, bookshelf,
version manager, etc. The Platform uses LOM, and SCORM metadata for interoperability providing import and export options in SCORM.

The article is published in the Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009 and can be downloaded from here (PDF).

SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom