SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

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OpenDoc Society

OpenDoc Society Founding Meeting - October 23, 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands

OpenDoc Society brings together individuals and organisations with a stake or interest in the openness and future of documents to learn from each other and share knowledge - about core technologies, available tools, policy issues, transition strategies, legal aspects and of course the latest innovations. Whether you are a developer, publisher, decision maker, educator, vendor, IT manager, academic, writer, archivist or just an involved citizen - brings you together with interesting like-minded people to learn from and cooperate with.

The official founding meeting of OpenDoc Society will take place in The Netherlands Royal Library in The Hague, The Netherlands on October 23. 2007. Join Netherlands' minister of Foreign economic affairs Frank Heemskerk, ODF co-editor Patrick Durusau, IDABC's Barbara Held and others and register for the launch event .

SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom