SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

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SELF Consortium

The Consortium consists of three Universities (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, University of Göteburg and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education) with specific knowledge and expertise on Research and Education. A second group of entities consists of NGO's active as Free Software advocates (Internet Society Netherlands, Free Software Foundation Europe, Internet Society Bulgaria and Fundación Via Libre in Argentina) with a huge experience of raising awareness on the use of Free Software.

The contributions of each of the seven partners are complementary and enable the achievement of the goals of the SELF project. While the seven partners have very active and respected members in the Free Software communities, they all have different approaches to and specialisations within this field.

Approaches and specialisations

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya brings in experience on digital educational programs and platforms as well as many educational and training materials on Free Software as they have several high quality course materials about the use of Free Software and GNU/Linux. More research and educational experience with Free Software and open contents is brought in by the University of Göteburg, who are also leaders of the international Creative Commons open contents initiative. The Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education mainly contributes with their semantic knowledge platform (Gnowsys) and their experience with e-learning environments and Free Software, while ISOC.NL and ISOC.BG specialise in Internet and web-based platforms. They also share their international contacts and their capacity of organising ambitious events, seminars with policymakers, etc. The Free Software Foundation Europe strengthen the SELF Project with its legal expertise as maintainer of the most important Free Software licenses (GPL, GFDL) and its local Free Software associated organisations. Lastly, Fundación Via Libre will provide contents and their experience in training and quality control as well as promoting gender equality in Free Software.
SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom