SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

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Learning Materials Expert Group

The Learning Materials Expert Group (LMEG) carries out the detection and analysis of available content, its transformation, enhancement and editing into SELF content, the creation of new materials and the translation into various languages.

The Learning Materials Expert Group is led by David Megias, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Currently, the group is performing an intensive search, evaluation and classification of already available copyleft educational materials on Free Software and Open Standards. This process will allow us to build a list of materials that meet the conditions to be included in the SELF Platform: high quality, up-to-date educational content published under free licenses.

Drawing a map of the available materials will also help us identify the knowledge areas where coverage is insufficient. These main gaps will then be considered for the production of new materials previous to the public release of the SELF Platform.

The attached document contains a draft report on the work done so far. We would greatly appreciate your comments, specially on the categories and subcategories considered for the classification of materials and the main applications to be included under those categories (section 3).

Also, section 5 includes a summary of the applications that are considered well documented at this stage. We hope you can also contribute your thoughts about which knowledge areas should be priorities for the development of new materials. Finally, some detailed forms on reported resources are listed as an appendix to the document. Please bear in mind that this list does not yet contain all the selected resources, and is shown only to exemplify the use of the report forms.

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SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom