The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at
Contribute to the SELF project. See this list of examples of how you can get involved and/or subscribe to one of the mailing lists.
The Technology Expert Group (TEG) proposes the high level specifications of the SELF Platform to be build and the developers team will develop this into a working platform. This Expert Group oversees the technical maintenance activities and enhancements of the platform, and puts in place localised versions of the SELF Platform.
The Technology Expert Group is led by Nagarjuna G., Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR.
See for a draft definition of the Platform the following document: in ODF format or in PDF format . Comments and observations are very welcome. The implementation details of the SELF Platform can be downloaded here (PDF, 2.3 MB).
The development takes place at Savannah, the Free Software repository. You can donwload the source code, subscribe to the developers mailinglist, etc. Initial developers documentation is available there also. See the roadmap to find out when we aim to reach major milestones.
Adjunto | Tamaño |
SELF_Platform_Definition_20070213.odt | 79.94 KB |
SELF_Platform_Definition_20070213.pdf | 938.82 KB |
SELF-Roadmap_v0.3.txt | 2.36 KB |