SELF Platform Beta launched!

The Beta version of the SELF Platform is already available for testers and early adopters. You can check it right now at

Get Involved!

Contribute to the SELF project. See this list of examples of how you can get involved and/or subscribe to one of the mailing lists.



Please note the submission deadline of the 30th of June 2008! Submissions received after this date will not be considered in the contest! There are two ways to submit your documentary to the jury, either by sending or making available an Ogg Theora file of the documentary, or by sending a DVD to the jury.
  • To submit an Ogg Theora file, please first ensure that the file has sufficient quality to allow for screening on large projectors (we would much rather have a good quality Ogg Theora file with a substantial size, than a low quailty file with smaller size. If necessary, we can compress and adjust the size of the video when making it available to others).

    Place the file on a publicly accessible web site and send a link to the file to The jury will then download the documentary and confirm receipt to you as soon as possible.
  • You can also submit a DVD with the documentary to the following address. We will assist in converting the DVD into Ogg Theora to make it available to others. Please include your e-mail address on an accompanying letter with the DVD.

    Jonas Öberg
    SELF Documentary Contest
    IT University
    412 96 Göteborg
SELF - Science Education and Learning in Freedom